(message "\n\n\n\n\nNote that All things that are done by this script can be canceled simply by launching the unInstall script !")
(message "BootManager command will be copied to your C drawer.")
(help "this part just copy the BootManager command in C:")
(source "c/BootManager")
(dest "C:")
(set Prefs_Target
( askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to copy the prefs program ?")
(help "it will copy BMPrefs into the directory you'll choose")
(default "Sys:Prefs")
(prompt "Copy Prefs program to " Prefs_Target)
(Source "prefs/BMPrefs")
(help "This prefs program is the only way to set BootManager configuration")
(dest Prefs_Target)
(confirm 1)
(set Guide_Target
( askdir
(prompt "where do you want to copy the Guide file ?")
(help "the Guide file explain how works BootManager")
(default "Help:")
(prompt "copy BootManager.guide file to %s" Guide_Target)
(source "BootManager.guide")
(dest Guide_Target)
( run "copy clone S:startup-sequence S:startup-sequence.bak NOREQ QUIET" )
( run "StartupModifier"
(prompt "All files has been copied. To finish the installation, the following line MUST be added to the TOP of your startup-sequence:\n\n C:BootManager\nIf $rd EQ 1\nEndCli\nEndIf\n\nDo you want this install script to make this changes ?\n(Note that a copy of your startup-sequence will be kept)")
(help "If you awser yes, your startup-sequence will be modified safely... it's the best choice...")
(confirm 1)
(set @default-dest (cat "C: ," Prefs_Target " and " Guide_Target))